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Established in France in 1833, Garnier-Thiebaut has become known for its luxurious designs and high quality linens. More than 200 artists comprise the team that designs and produces Garnier-Thiebaut’s pieces and the extreme attention to detail is evidenced in every collection.
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Wax Tablecloth (Ocean)$90.0$40.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Wax Runner (Ocean)$86.0$38.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Mille Wax Chair Cushions, Ocean$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Thym Kitchen Towels, Turquoise$86.0$38.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Ani Tablecloth (Radieux)$118.0$53.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Set of 2 Ani Chair Cushions (Radieux)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Tuileries Tablecloth (Argent)$90.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Tuileries Placemats (Argent)$90.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bistrot Kitchen Towels, Noir$86.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Panache Tablecloth (Canary)$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Panache Napkins (Canary)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Panache Runner (Canary)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Set of 2 Panache Chair Cushions (Canary)$369.0$166.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Aurore$89.0$40.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Oeufs A La Coque Kitchen Towels, Ecru$65.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bouquet de Rose Solaire Kitchen Towels$65.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Jardin Extraordinaire Tablecloth (Sunset)$65.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Jardin Extraordinaire Napkins (Sunset)$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Bistrot Guest Towels (Jaune)$100.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Bistrot Guest Towels (Noir)$92.0$41.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Bistrot Guest Towels (Rouge)$92.0$41.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Imperatrice Tablecloth (Gold)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Imperatrice Placemats, Gold$328.0$147.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Imperatrice Napkins, Gold$86.0$38.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Luxuriance Tablecloth (Alouette)$90.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Luxuriance Placemats (Alouette)$89.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Luxuriance Napkins, Alouette (Alouette)$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Vases de Jardin Kitchen Towels, Pampille$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Flânerie Tablecloth (Ondée)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Flânerie Placemats (Ondée)$89.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Totem Tablecloth (Marshmallow)$98.0$24.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Totem Table Runner (Marshmallow)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Totem Napkins (Marshmallow)$112.0$50.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Camélia$94.0$42.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Mimosa$89.0$40.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Azur$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Birds Tablecloth (Garden)$106.0$47.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Birds Napkins (Garden)$100.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Birds Runner (Garden)$94.0$42.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bouquet de Roses Kitchen Towels, Lunaire$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Flanerie Tablecloth (Givre)$106.0$47.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Flanerie Runner, Givre$120.0$54.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Jardin à la Française Tablecloth (Céladon)$58.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Jardin à la Française Placemats, Celadon$92.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Jardin à la Française Napkins (Céladon)$384.0$172.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Romarin Kitchen Towels, Indigo$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Perce Neige Runner (Perlé)$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Perce Neige Napkins (Perlé)$66.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mathilde Tablecloth (Rose)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mathilde Placemats, Rose$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mathilde Napkins, Rose$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Perce Neige Tablecloth (Plume)$86.0$38.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Perce Neige Runner (Plume)$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Perce Neige Napkins (Plume)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Noisette$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Roses Anciennes Tablecloth (Ficelle)$86.0$38.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Roses Anciennes Napkins (Ficelle)$398.0$179.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Isaphire Tablecloth (Platine)$98.0$24.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Chalons Kitchen Towels, Dore$96.0$24.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Isaphire Placemats, Platine$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Cup of Tea Kitchen Towels (Fuchsia)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Eugénie Tablecloth (Candy)$94.0$42.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bird Garden Kitchen Towels, Rosa$90.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Stars Tablecloth (Flash)$92.0$41.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Stars Napkins (Flash)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Stars Tablerunner (Flash)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Mille Stars Chair Cushions (Flash)$49.0$22.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Vermillon$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Piments Kitchen Towels, Rouge$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Mica Tablecloth (Vermillon)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Mica Napkins, Vermillon$108.0$48.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Mille Mica Chair Cushions, Vermillon$108.0$48.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Flanerie Tablecloth (Corail)$112.0$50.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Trames Tablecloth (Capucine)$306.0$137.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Trames Runner (Capucine)$89.0$40.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Trames Napkins, Capucine$92.0$41.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Tilleul$92.0$41.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Cup Of Tea Kitchen Towels, Turquoise$100.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Earl Grey Table Runner (Thé Rouge)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Panache Runner (Paradise)$52.0$23.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Nymphee Napkins (Peche Rosee)$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Cup Of Tea Kitchen Towels, Fuchsia$58.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Pink$58.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Confiserie Kitchen Towels, Guimauve$58.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Violette$58.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Batik Napkins, Vibrant$52.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Ciboulette Violette Kitchen Towels$70.0$17.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Jardin à la Française Tablecloth (Carrare)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Jardin à la Française Place Mats, Carrare$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Jardin à la Française Napkins, Carrare$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Jardin à la Française Runner (Carrare)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Beauregard Tablecloth (Ivoire)$65.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Beauregard Napkins, Ivoire, 22$65.0$29.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Eloise Place Mats (Brumeuse)$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Eloise Napkins (Brumeuse)$102.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Eloise Runner (Brumeuse)$96.0$24.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Gariguette Kitchen Towels, Fruity$102.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins (Noir)$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Raspberry$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Cacao, 18$62.0$27.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Etain$62.0$27.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Fraise$62.0$27.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Sapin$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 6 Confetti Napkins, Corail$174.0$78.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Puzzle Napkins (Beige)$174.0$78.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bistrot Kitchen Towels, Rouge$48.0$21.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Ceremonie Kitchen Towels, Mandarine$354.0$159.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Reception Kitchen Towels, Peche$102.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Reims Kitchen Towels, Rose$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Optique Guest Towels (Caramel)$104.0$46.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Optique Guest Towels (Lagon)$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Bistrot Kitchen Towels, Jaune$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Illusion Tablecloth (Metal)$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mirage Tablecloth (Grey)$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mirage Tablecloth (Metal)$98.0$44.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Beauregard Tablecloth (Galet)$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Tablecloth (Blush)$62.0$15.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Runner (Blush)$62.0$15.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Rubans Napkins (Blush)$102.0$45.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Tablecloth (Porcelaine)$94.0$42.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Runner (Porcelaine)$96.0$43.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Set of 4 Rubans Napkins, Porcelaine$38.0$17.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Mica Tablecloth (Turquoise)$30.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Mica Napkins, Turquoise$30.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Illusion Napkins, Metal$26.0$11.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mirage Napkins, Grey$30.0$13.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mirage Napkins, Metal$26.0$11.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Beauregard Napkins, Galet$25.0$11.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Optique Tablecloth (Caramel)$32.0$14.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Optique Tablecloth (Lagon)$32.0$14.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 2 Vases De Jardin Kitchen Towels, Damascena$94.0$42.0 -
Garnier-Thiebaut Reflection Tablecloth (Grey)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Reflection Tablecloth (Metal)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Appoline Tablecloth (White)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Eclats Tablecloth (Chocolat Blanc)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Eclats Tablecloth (Macaron)$$ -
Garnier Thiebaut Mille Epis Tablecloth (Natural)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Tresor Reversible Tablecloth (Lapis Lazuli)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Tablecloth (Ivoire)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Rubans Tablerunner (Ivoire)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Set of 4 Rubans Napkins (Ivoire)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Tresor Reversible Napkins (Lapis Lazuli)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Epis Runner (Natural)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Epis Napkins (Natural)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Eclats Runner (Chocolat Blanc)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Eclats Napkins (Chocolat Blanc)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Mille Eclats Runner (Macaron)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Mille Eclats Napkins (Macaron)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Reflection Napkins (Grey)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Reflection Napkins (Metal)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Appoline Runner (White)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Appoline Placemats (White)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Appoline Napkins (White)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Natte Napkins, Ivory$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Organic Napkins, Ivory$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Organic Tablecloth (Burgundy)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Organic Napkins, Burgundy$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Organic Tablecloth (Honey)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Organic Napkins, Honey$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Organic Napkins, Black$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Elm Napkins, Ivory$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Drop Napkins, White$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Rayures Vertical Napkins, Ivory$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Set of 4 Overall Stars Napkins, Khaki$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Rayures Vertical Tablecloth (Ivory)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Stars and Bars Tablecloth (Khaki)$$ -
Garnier-Thiebaut Organic Tablecloth (Ivory)$$