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Balenciaga has deep European roots and a history of falling between avant-garde and ready-to-wear fashion. When it comes to handbags, we don’t expect anything less than bold from the design house. This collection hits the mark with its variety of eye-catching silhouettes, vibrant hues and substantial hardware. Our favorites? The rounded Mini Pompon bag in bright red and the structured Brogues Work bag in cheery mustard yellow.-
Balenciaga Women’s Brogues Work Bag, Nero$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Brogues Work Bag, Rosethulian$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Brogues Work Bag, Mangue/Ocre$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant Town Bag, Nero$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Part-Time Bag, Rosethulian$1595$1196.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Part-Time Bag, Latte/Beige$1595$1196.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Brogues City Bag, Nero/Nero$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Brogues City Bag, Light Atlantique$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Town Bag, Mangue/Ocre$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Velo Bag, Light Atlantique$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Velo Bag, Mangue/Ocre$1895$1421.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic City Bag, Latte/Beige$1545$1159.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic City Bag, Mangue/Ocre$1545$1159.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant 21 Work Bag, Nero$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant 21 Work Bag, Antracite$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant 21 Work Bag, Rosethulian$2045$1534.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant Mini Pompon Bag, Rosethulian$1345$1009.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Mini Pompon Bag, Mangue/Ocre$1345$1009.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Giant Continental Wallet, Nero$595$446.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Continental Wallet, Latte$595$446.00 -
Balenciaga Women’s Classic Mini Click, Latte$335$251.00