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Big, fit-everything bags are a must for any woman on the go. But for a night out or a quick run to the store, all you really need is a smart, and little, clutch, wristlet or wallet. Here, you’ll find plenty all three at prices that you won’t want to miss out on. From embossed leather styles perfect for tucking under your arm to studded pouches to keep your favorite lip gloss (or several), with so many winning options to choose from why stop at one? The Details: Brands include Gorjana, Be & D, Hlaska Artifacts and more.
Gorjana Women’s Pop of Color Large Pouch (Blush/Off-White)$92$45.00 -
Gorjana Women’s Pop of Color Large Pouch (Caribbean Sea/Coral)$92$45.00 -
Gorjana Women’s Pop of Color Large Pouch (Coral/Peach)$92$45.00 -
Gorjana Women’s Pyramid Stud Small Wristlet (Cognac)$84$42.00 -
Gorjana Women’s Pyramid Stud Small Wristlet (Yellow)$84$42.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Card Wallet (Navy)$85$19.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Card Wallet (Camel)$85$19.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Card Wallet (Teal)$85$19.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Card Wallet (Tritone Red)$85$19.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Card Wallet (Yellow)$85$19.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Small Zippered Wallet (Camel)$165$33.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Slim Check Wallet (Camel)$195$39.00 -
Hlaska Artifacts Women’s Embossed Slim Check Wallet (Yellow)$195$39.00 -
Be & D Women’s Heather Studded Cosmetic Case (Denim Cloud)$98$29.00 -
gorjana Women’s Mott Pastel Foldover Clutch, Coral/White/Lime$175$79.00 -
Z Spoke Zac Posen Women’s Get Happy Travel Kit (Light Imperial)$150$65.00